Daniel Byron

Blog Posts

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Computer Science Essentials: An Exploration of Binary Search

View this post on Medium The binary search algorithm is an algorithm for finding a value within a sorted list. The algorithm itself is quite straightforward, in fact you might have accidentally used it if you’ve ever played a number guessing game or looked for a name in a phone book (do those still exist?). Despite this simplicity, binary search is essential knowledge for developers, and often comes up in technical interviews, coding challenges and exams.

5 Things You Should Do If You're Learning to Code

I previously worked as a coding teacher for kids and teens, and taught hundreds of students how to code. Among those students, there were a few very high achievers. These students consistently won challenges, publicly released their own apps and games, and performed well above their peers. The thing that made these students different didn’t seem to come down to any innate ability, instead they did a few things differently that I believe all students (children and adults alike) could learn from.

Porting an HTML/PixiJS game to Android

Read this post on Medium I recently wanted to port some of my PixiJS games to standalone Android apps and couldn’t find any guide on how to do so. The process itself isn’t complicated, but requires some Android knowledge that not every HTML game dev is going to have. So this is my attempt to document how I port my game, in the hopes that it helps others. This assumes you have your game as a standalone build (built using something like webpack) and doesn’t rely on any external dependencies or links.

Prototyping on the PICO-8

A few days ago I stumbled upon a really lovely piece of pixel art, which I found out was done with the PICO-8 palette. I’d previously seen store listings for the PICO-8, but didn’t really understand what it was until seeing some of the things people had done with it. If you, like me, had no clue this existed, let me attempt to explain the PICO-8. It’s a “fantasy console” for making small 8-bit-ish games with a built in development environment and game explorer.

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